We are offering SED Protect based on our open source software.
If you have an SSD on a Windows machine we highly recommend that you check your configuration and repair it if necessary with SED Protect.
We also offer a whole line of USB Drives for sale with full SED control software to gain the privacy and security advantages of SEDs.
Like all open source efforts, we depend on contributions to keep our efforts current. If you support us on Patreon we offer discounts up to 100% on an Amazon purchase of one of our USB Opal Drives with our commercial software based on our Open Source.
Thank you from the Drive Trust Alliance!
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DTA Commercial Products
Buy DTA Self-Encrypting USB Drives on Amazon! On Amazon search "DTA hardware encrypting drive" and you will see all five of these TCG Opal Standard USB Drives. These are the only non-proprietary Opal USB drives in the market.
Need Centralized Encryption Management?
Secure a fleet of Windows PCs – with and without enabled SED drives – using a simple, web-managed tool. Beachhead’s SimplySecure™ can enforce encryption and security policy on PCs, Macs, and mobile and USB storage devices from one unified management console.